The CIMA-LSAMP Program Office encourage STEM students to seek out research and internship opportunities.
Undergraduate Research Programs
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities at the NASA/UTSA Center
Alamo Colleges: NASA/UTSA Center Research Application
Overview: St. Philip’s College, one of the Alamo Colleges District will select 10 students from the district to participate in research at the NASA/University of San Antonio Center on the campus of the University of Texas at San Antonio. UTSA has established a NASA funded center – NASA MIRO Center for Advanced Measurements in Extreme Environments (CAMEE) in 2019. The Center focuses on increasing the research/education capacity at UTSA in areas related to NASA research priorities. The Center is a collaborative initiative between College of Sciences and College of Engineering at UTSA, with collaboration from University of California, Los Angeles, University of Colorado, Boulder, and NASA Laboratories (JPL, GSFC, and Langley) with interdisciplinary expertise in areas of remote sensing, hypersonic measurements, atmospheric and oceanic measurements and modelling, sea-ice and Turbulence. - National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates
- Pathway to Science Summer Research Programs
- UT Southwestern Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
- Texas State University Chemistry Undergraduate Research
- P&G
- CPS - Internship Environmental Analyst (Geology/Biology/Chemistry)
- NSA - Texas Summer Intern Program (Information Security)
- TASC - Junior Cyber Systems Security Assessor (Information Security)
- Nobilis - Paid Summer Internship (Geology/Hydrology/Chemical Engineering)
- Northeast Lakeview College
- Northwest Vista College
- Palo Alto College
- San Antonio College
- St.Philip's College
- Pathway to Science Scholarships
- Science, Mathematics & Research for Transformation - D.o.D
- Society for Women Engineers
STEM Conferences and Organizations
- American Astronomical Society (AAS)
- Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)
- Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM
- Latinos in Science and Engineering (MAES)
- Society for Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- Society of Physics Students (SPS)
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
STEM Community Outreach
- Women Breaking Through
- STEM Symposium
- STEM Career Day
CIMA Applications
CIMA is now accepting applications for our Undergraduate Research Program. If you are a student that is interested in this opportunity, please apply today! Students with declared majors in a STEM (Science. Technology, Engineering, Math) related field are eligible to participate in the program. Pre-professional Medical and Nursing majors are not eligible to participate.
Contact Information
Principal Investigator:
Randall Dawson
Vice President for Academic Success
St. Philip's College
Executive Cabinet
210-486-2276 -
CIMA-LSAMP Coordinator:
Mary Kelaita, PhD
St. Philip's College
Natural Sciences Dept.
210-486-2679 -
Co-Principal Investigator:
Marsha Adrian
Northeast Lakeview College
210-486-5340 -
Co-Principal Investigator:
Yvette Uresti
Northwest Vista College
210-486-4320 -
Co-Principal Investigator:
Usha Gururajarao
Palo Alto College
Natural & Physical Sciences
210-486-3372 -
Co-Principal Investigator:
Henry Griffith, PhD
San Antonio College
Mathematics, Architecture, Physics and Engineering Dept.